Take The Text Pledges

As a nonprofit in Greater Grand Rapids, MI, Text Pledge offers 10 optional pledges to help groups and individuals make a difference in their local communities. Each pledge focuses on different social issues that affect people around the world, from distracted driving to gun violence.

Our website is designed to share verifiable statistics with any student or adult that is interested in learning and knowing more about the topics we believe are weighing down society.

Our hope is that as more individuals participate in the Text Pledge project, the statistics will start to diminish over time. If we all work together, great accomplishments can be made. Please review every one of our pledges before registering with us.

We invite you to take one (or all!) of our pledges, and encourage your loved ones to do the same. Together, we can change the world one pledge at a time.

Take the Pledges

Pledge 1: Stop Distracted Driving

Take the pledge to avoid having distractions in the vehicle while you drive. No texting or driving allowed!

Pledge 2: End Discrimination

Take the pledge to end discrimination so that everyone feels safe and welcome in our communities.

Pledge 3: End Acts of Violence With or Without Guns and Weapons

Take the pledge to End Acts of Violence With or Without Guns and Weapons. Help Text Pledge reduce the number of injuries, homicides, and suicides caused by guns.

Pledge 4: Prevent Bullying and Cyberbullying

Take the pledge to prevent bullying and cyberbullying. Promise to report any bullying you witness to a trusted adult, such as a parent or teacher.

Pledge 5: Raise Mental Health Awareness

Take the pledge to raise mental health awareness within your community. Learn how to recognize the signs of mental illness and help others get the help they need.

Pledge 6: Stop Domestic Violence and Assault

Take the pledge to stop domestic violence and assault. Promise to report any violence to a trusted adult and law enforcement.

Pledge 7: End Driving Under the Influence

Take the pledge to end driving under the influence. Join our efforts to make our roads safer for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.

Pledge 8: Stop Human Trafficking

Take the pledge to stop human trafficking. By taking this pledge, you are promising to speak up if you notice the warning signs that someone is in trouble.

Pledge 9: Protect Animal Rights

Take the pledge to protect animal rights. By taking this pledge, you are promising to speak up if you notice the warning signs that an animal is being abused or neglected.

Pledge 10: Protect the Environment

Take the pledge to protect the environment. Promise to do everything in your power to advocate for policies that will protect our planet for future generations.